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For Derrida (Hardcover)

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For Derrida (Hardcover)
Product Description

This book-the culmination of forty years of friendship between J. Hillis Miller and Jacques Derrida during which Miller also closely followed all Derrida s writings and seminars-is for Derridain two senses. It is for him dedicated to his memory. The chapters also speak in acts of reading as advocates for Derrida s work. They focus especially on Derrida s late work including passages from the last as yet unpublished seminars. The chapters are partial to Derrida on his side taking his part gratefully submitting themselves to the demand made by Derrida s writings to be read-slowly carefully faithfully with close attention to semantic detail.The chapters do not progress forward to tell a sequential story. They are rather a series of perspectives on the heterogeneity of Derrida s work or forays into that heterogeneity.The chief goal has been to borrow a phrase from Wallace Stevens plainly to propoundwhat Derrida says. The book aims above all to render Derrida s writings justice. It should be remembered however that according to Derrida himself every rendering of justice is also a transformative interpretation. A book like this one is not a substitute for reading Derrida for oneself. It is to be hoped that it will encourage readers to do just tha

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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