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Toddler Discipline : The Complete Guide to Discovering Positive Parenting Mindset for Toddler Discipline from Potty Training and Baby Sleep Training to Montessori Toddler Discipline (Hardcover)

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Toddler Discipline : The Complete Guide to Discovering Positive Parenting Mindset for Toddler Discipline from Potty Training and Baby Sleep Training to Montessori Toddler Discipline (Hardcover)
Product Description

Expertly Handle Your Toddler s Temper Tantrums & Raise An Independent Curious & Happy Child With This Complete Guide To Toddler Discipline! PICTURE THIS: You re working from home and swamped with a million things to do. Your two-year-old son comes up to you and asks you to play with him. You tell him lovingly that you re busy at the moment but you will play with him after your shift is done. He starts to sulk. The next thing you know he s rolling on the floor crying bloody murder. Temper tantrums are never a great experience for both you and your child. Often times you feel frustrated because no matter how much you try to make them feel better they just seem to cry even harder. So what can you do? SIMPLE - Get this complete guide to disciplining your toddler! In this guide you will be able to use revolutionary Montessori Toddler Principles and the Positive Parenting Mindset to lovingly and respectfully discipline your toddler in every aspect of their life! Over the course of this guide you will: Quickly and safely teach your child to stick to a daily sleep routine and progress in their potty training Effectively prevent your child from having nightmares and improve their sleep quality Successfully train your child to do daily chores that promote self-reliance including self-dressing and grooming Expertly help your child navigate complicated sibling dynamics And so much more! Sometimes it s easy to brush toddlers off as difficult because it seems like they deliberately go out of their way to give their parents a hard time. But what most parents don t realize is that their toddlers are going through a significant motor intellectual social and emotional shift which causes them to go through difficult emotions and resort to inappropriate behavior. However with the help of this book you will be able to hold your toddler s hand as you both navigate this unfamiliar plane together. You will be given all the tools and learn all the evidence-based tips to become a better parent - whether it s staying calm in the middle of a toddler tantrum redirecting your toddler s attention when they start getting worked up or selectively ignoring unnecessary outbursts. So don t delay! What are you waiting for? Buy Now Toddler Discipline and Get Your Own Copies Today!

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Last updated
February 10, 2025

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