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Shadowside Trilogy: Beyond Corista (Series #03) (Paperback)

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Product Name
Shadowside Trilogy: Beyond Corista (Series #03) (Paperback)
Product Description

Oriannon a very human-looking girl has a very special gift: the ability to record what she sees and experiences like the hard drive of a computer. In the last book of the trilogy Oriannon and Sola set out to take the word of Jesmet beyond their planet but are captured by traders who hold the girl as a pawn in an interplanetary struggle. Those who live in lush comfort on the bright side of the small planet Corista have plundered the water resources of Shadowside for centuries ignoring the existence of Shadowside s inhabitants who are nothing more than animals. Or so the Brightsiders have been taught. It will take a special young woman to expose the truth--and to help avert the war that is sure to follow. A course they can t choose a warning no one will believe...Oriannon and her friends Margus and Wist hurtle through space on a dangerous mission guided by the pilot stone. Their enemy Sola is on board as well and Oriannon soon begins to regret rescuing the blind woman from battle. As the odd crew flies from way station to way station Oriannon delivers the warning she received from Jesmet--a race called the Troikans is coming to destroy Corista. At each location Oriannon is met with the same disbelief: no one has seen a Troikan in years. Soon even Oriannon begins to wonder if the threat is real. Are her visits from Jesmet only a hallucination? Oriannon must find the faith to race toward a destination only she can see.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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