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New To Sir With Love (DVD)

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Product Name
New To Sir With Love (DVD)
Product Description

A novice teacher faces a class of rowdy undisciplined working-class punks in this classic film that reflected some of the problems and fears of teens in the 60s. Sidney Poitier gives one of his finest performances as Mark Thackeray an out-of-work engineer who turns to teaching in London s tough East End. The graduating class led by Denham (Christian Roberts) Pamela (Judy Geeson) and Barbara (Lulu who also sings the hit title song) sets out to destroy Thackeray as they did his predecessor by breaking his spirit. But Thackeray no stranger to hostility meets the challenge by treating the students as young adults who will soon enter a work where they must stand or fall on their own. When offered an engineering job Thackeray must decide if he wants to stay.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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