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Routledge Innovations in Political Theor Political Evil in a Global Age: Hannah Arendt and International Theory (Hardcover)

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Routledge Innovations in Political Theor Political Evil in a Global Age: Hannah Arendt and International Theory (Hardcover)
Product Description

Hannah Arendt is widely regarded as one of the twentieth century s most powerful political theorists. The purpose of this book is to make an innovative contribution to the newly emerging literature connecting Arendt to international political theory and debates surrounding globalization. In recent years the work of Arendt has gathered increasing interest from scholars in the field of international political theory because of its potential relevance for understanding international affairs. Focusing on the central theme of evil in Arendt s work this book weaves together elements of Arendt s theory in order to engage with four major problems connected with contemporary globalization: genocide and crimes against humanity; global poverty and radical economic inequality; global refugees displaced persons and the stateless ; and the destructive domination of the public realm by predatory neoliberal economic globalization. Hayden shows that a key constellation of her concepts--the right to have rights superfluousness thoughtlessness plurality freedom and power--can help us to understand and address some of the central problems involving political evil in our global age. In doing so this book takes Arendtian scholarship and international political theory into provocative new directions. Political Evil in a Global Age will be of interest to students researchers and scholars of politics philosophy sociology and cultural studies.

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March 4, 2025

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