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Understanding the Americans: A Handbook for Visitors to the United States - Paperback

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Understanding the Americans: A Handbook for Visitors to the United States - Paperback
Product Description

This unique handbook for fresh arrivals to the United States outlines common American practices beliefs and customs. Written in a colloquial style and drawing on examples from history and popular culture the author provides priceless insights on why Americans behave as they do and answers the important questions a visitor might ask from why Americans appear so open and optimistic to how to negotiate with Americans or act at a dinner party. Full of practical advice (how to extend your visa) as well as invaluable guidance on how to understand American society (covering topics like political parties privacy family work and money) this handy book is an ideal reference for anyone new to the United States! Includes: - Short accessible chapters packed with numerous examples and tips - Valuable information for exchange students and business travelers - Glossary of commonly used words idioms and expressions with meanings/origins - A list of recommended further reading

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March 2, 2025

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