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Look Great Live Green: Choosing Beauty Solutions That Are Planet-Safe and Budget-Smart (Paperback)

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Look Great Live Green: Choosing Beauty Solutions That Are Planet-Safe and Budget-Smart (Paperback)
Product Description

Body care and eco-consciousness need not be mutually exclusive according to Deborah Burnes. In Part I of this timely book she explains the historical roots of the search for beauty and how it has led to a $60 billion cosmetics industry that misleads and confuses consumers on everything from product effectiveness to toxicity. In Part II Burnes details options for buying natural and organic products in a range of budgets with each graded on a good better or best scale in terms of chemical content and overall health impact. Part III discusses the positive effects chemical-free products have on overall health and how those effects are expressed in the appearance of our skin. Part IV contains a wealth of facts tips and shortcuts to help consumers experience living green and enhancing personal beauty. Written in an engaging style but based in science Look Great Live Green offers a fresh perspective on living an eco-friendly body-friendly beauty-friendly lifestyle.

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March 4, 2025

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