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Masters of Contemporary Indian Jewelry (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Masters of Contemporary Indian Jewelry (Hardcover)
Product Description

The artist-makers represented here come from every region of the United States making this book a compilation of many native traditions as well as modern styles. Exciting background ideas are expressed in the details of these works so their study and appreciation is quite fascinating. Over 50 living jewelry masters of Native American heritage are featured in this lavish new book. Their dynamic work includes many pieces that were awarded at recent juried shows. Tufa casting stone cutting engraving metalsmithing and other technical skills that are highly refined and personalized are evident demonstrating the work of true Masters in this evolving field. See and be inspired by new designs in bead necklaces silver bracelets pendants pins earrings belts and rings as well as sculpture that ranks as wearable art. Marvel at the new pieces by top masters living today.

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Last updated
December 9, 2024

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