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Fathered by God: Learning What Your Dad Could Never Teach You (Paperback)

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Fathered by God: Learning What Your Dad Could Never Teach You (Paperback)
Product Description

In an age when fathers are more important than ever how do you embark on your journey to manhood and know how to steer clear of the dangers along the way? In Fathered by God New York Times bestselling author John Eldredge reminds us that there s a path to masculinity and best of all there s a loving Father ready to help us follow it. In Fathered by God Eldredge calls men back to a simple and reassuring truth: God is our Father and he wants to show us what masculinity really means. Eldredge teaches us that there s a path leading to authentic manhood cut by generation after generation of men. There are perils along the trail even disasters--all the more reason to rely on the guidance of a Father who has gone before us. A boy has a lot to learn in his journey to becoming a man and it takes the active intervention of father figures and the fellowship of other men to guide us along the way. Eldredge shares that in all of life s trials and triumphs God is initiating boys and men through the stages of manhood. Through personal stories and practical guidance Eldredge provides a map through the six stages of a man s journey and answers some of the most common questions about manhood that he s received over the years including: How can I set a good example for my son? What does the Bible teach us about masculinity? How can I become the man that God designed me to be? Fathered by God maps out the path of manhood--not more rules not another list of principles not formulas but a well-worn path that men have followed for centuries before us. Discover the truth about masculinity and become the man that God sees in you.

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March 4, 2025

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