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Steel Magnolias Special Edition (DVD Sony Pictures)

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Product Name
Steel Magnolias Special Edition (DVD Sony Pictures)
Product Description

Six Divas of the Silver screen: Sally Field Dolly Parton Shirley MacLaine Daryl Hannah Olympia Dukakis and Julia Roberts - come together as bosom buddies in this hilarious and heartwarming story of life love and loss in a small Louisiana parish. At the center of the group is Shelby Eatenton (Julia Roberts) newly married and joyfully pregnant despite the fact that her diabetes could make childbirth life-threatening. Terrified and angry at the possibility of losing her only daughter M Lynn Eatenton (Sally Field) looks to her four closest friends for strength and laughter as she battles her deepest fear of death in order to join Shelby in celebrating the miracle of new life.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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