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Pre-Owned The Japanese Skincare Revolution: How to Have the Most Beautiful Skin of Your Life--At Any (Paperback) by Chizu Saeki Kay Yokota Takayama Hirokazu

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Pre-Owned The Japanese Skincare Revolution: How to Have the Most Beautiful Skin of Your Life--At Any (Paperback) by Chizu Saeki Kay Yokota Takayama Hirokazu
Product Description

9784770030832. Pre-owned: Good condition. Trade paperback. Language: English. Pages: 126. Trade paperback (US). Glued binding. With dust jacket. 126 p. Contains: Illustrations black & white Line drawings color. Japanese women are renowned for their beautiful skin but until now there has been no book in English that reveals the secrets of the typical Japanese beauty routine. The Japanese Skincare Revolution is the first guide for women of all ages and races who want to have beautiful skin like the Japanese and don t want to spend lots of money on cosmetics and treatments to achieve it. Author Chizu Saeki is a practicing aesthetician and beauty consultant whose dream is to teach ordinary women how to become more beautiful. To this end she writes books teaches and tours Japan giving demonstrations of the techniques she developed over a career spent in the beauty industry. Her books have sold more than 3 million copies in Japan and the revolutionary ideas presented in this volume have won the approval of skin doctors within Japan and out. The Japanese Skincare Revolution is Saeki s best-selling skincare title and her first to be translated into English. It is a distillation of all of her most essential techniques. In it readers will be introduced to the lotion maska moisturizing treatment for keeping the skin fresh and lustrous; hand techniques for toning the muscles of the face; lymph massages for draining toxins and improving blood flow; natural no-nonsense remedies for wrinkles sagging oiliness pimples and blackheads; warm care and cool care for soothing the mind and body; water massages to energize the skin; and much much more. Throughout the book Saeki calls on the reader to use her own hands to touch and treat her face and her own eyes to judge what her skin needs. She leads her toward a wholehearted skincare routine that will have her complimenting herself as her skin responds. By following Saeki s advice every woman will discover that it s possible to have beautiful skin at any age without - spending a fortune.

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March 4, 2025

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