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Agri-fab 45-0365 Push Spike Walk Behind Aerator for Aerating Lawns and Grass

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Product Name
Agri-fab 45-0365 Push Spike Walk Behind Aerator for Aerating Lawns and Grass
Product Description

When your lawn has been dormant during the colder months it needs a good wake-up call. The Agri-fab 45-0365 Push Spike Walk-Behind Aerator is the perfect wake-up call for a green lush lawn this grow season. Let s face it we all want to be the house with the green luxurious lawn and the first step to getting that is the aeration process. Equipped with 5 7-inch aerator discs and a walk-behind design this aerator is the perfect lawn-boosting accessory. This aerator is 16 inches wide and is designed to coverage plenty of area in smaller lawns. Plus thanks to the walk-behind design you can simply grab and get to the job at hand. Get that lawn that ll make your neighbors jealous with this aerator from Agri-fab.

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Last updated
December 18, 2024

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