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igourmet Premium Pub Cheese Assortment - 4 Unique Cheeses - Cheddar with Caramelized Onion, Shropshire Blue, Irish Green Wax Cheddar, Red Dragon | Perfect for Beer Lovers

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Product Name
igourmet Premium Pub Cheese Assortment - 4 Unique Cheeses - Cheddar with Caramelized Onion, Shropshire Blue, Irish Green Wax Cheddar, Red Dragon | Perfect for Beer Lovers
Product Description

Pub Cheese Assortment (30 ounce) We have put together a delightful selection of four cheeses to pair perfectly with beer! When pairing cheese, we often think of wine, but these four cheeses are made for ale. The assortment includes: Cotswold: Cotswold is a cheese from England that is often called "Pub Cheese" in its home country. The base is sharp orange Double Gloucester. Flavored with onion and chives, it is the perfect match for any beer. (7.5 oz) Cahill Farm Cheddar with Porter Ale: This marbled cheddar from Ireland is blended with dark Porter ale during the cheesemaking process, giving it slight chocolate notes. (7.5 oz) Huntsman: A cheese that tastes as good as it looks, this layered cheese from Great Britain brings together mellow Double Gloucester and tangy Blue Stilton. (7.5 oz) Red Dragon: This smooth, firm, tasty cheddar is made with Welsh brown ale and mustard seeds (7.5 oz) Please note that any item temporarily out of stock will be substituted with a similar item of equal value. Beer not included.

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Last updated
February 10, 2025

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