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Jewels of Passion: Costume Jewelry Masterpieces (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Jewels of Passion: Costume Jewelry Masterpieces (Hardcover)
Product Description

This stunning new book showcases fantastic costume jewelry from 53 top designers of the 20th century. Examples from Christian Dior Miriam Haskell Kenneth Jay Lane Elsa Schiaparelli Stanley Hagler Trifari Vendome and may others are shown in profusion. 360 luscious color photographs display exquisite examples of each designers best work. Masterpieces abound including many rare examples. The authors illustrate ways to enjoy these pieces today with candid photography of friends adorned for casual occasions. Delightful stories are shared of memories associated with their passion for jewelry over the years. This remarkable exhibition displays costume jewelry as absolutely beautiful works of art. Sit back with this eye candy relax with the fairytale spirit it projects and enjoy the romance. Let the passion roll!

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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