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Ecommerce - Introduction Technology Cryptography (Paperback)

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Ecommerce - Introduction Technology Cryptography (Paperback)
Product Description

In recent years online payment activities and money transfer has been increased exponentially and people are ready to accept the new way to do their transactions at any place any time. In this era of global connectivity the security breaches through the viruses hackers eavesdropping identity theft Trojan horse Denial of service IP spoofing etc. E-commerce: Introduction Technology Cryptography provides the recent technology used to protect against the attacks on E-commerce websites. The description of the various symmetric and asymmetric key algorithms clearly inform the proper techniques to provide the authentication confidentiality Integrity and Non-repudiation service for the E-commerce. The content should help the person who are doing their online business and should be especially useful to professionals in E-commerce fields.

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February 5, 2025

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