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Field of Flowers Formula Daily Stress and Anxiety Remedy, 10mL - Bestmade Natural Products

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Product Name
Field of Flowers Formula Daily Stress and Anxiety Remedy, 10mL - Bestmade Natural Products
Product Description

Do you ever wake up tired and the day just seems to get worse? You are not sleeping right and you can't concentrate. Maybe your mind just won't turn off and you worry too much. Anxiety and stress are not your friends; they interfere with your enjoyment of life. This natural stress remedy by Bestmade uses a combination of 37 advanced floral ingredients to help ease daily stress levels. It also provides natural relief for emotional symptoms such as fear, despair and exhaustion. With no side effects, this natural mood support is safe for adults and teens. Preserved in a high-alcohol solution rather than water, it remains effective for a longer period of time. This daily stress formula contains flower-derived ingredients such as agrimony, aspen, cherry plum and crab apple to calm the mind and to restore one's self-confidence. It also uses elm, honeysuckle and mimulus to support focus on positive rather than negative emotions. Other ingredients include beech, cerato, chestnut bud, chicory, clematis, gentian, gorse, heather, holly, hornbeam, impatiens, mustard, oak, olive, pine, red chestnut, rock rose, rock water, scleranthus, Star of Bethlehem, sweet chestnut, vervain, vine, walnut, water violet, white chestnut, wild oat, wild rose and willow. Recommended use of this stress relief is to add 7 to 10 drops to a cup or bottle of water and drink. Repeat as needed. Our site provides information regarding health and wellness. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult your health care provider regarding your health concerns, and read all directions and information prior to use. Bestmade Natural Field of Flowers Daily Stress Formula for Anxiety and Mood Support, 10mL

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Last updated
February 4, 2025

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