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Africa: A Photographic Safari (Paperback)

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Product Name
Africa: A Photographic Safari (Paperback)
Product Description

Ever since he was a teenager growing up in Houston Texas Carlyle Thompson wanted to visit Africa. In 2006 he got his chance. Thompson shares his incredible journey to one of the world s most mysterious countries in Africa: A Photographic Safari. Instead of traveling to Africa as a tourist Thompson chose to go as a photographer. He explores the red soil of Africa for five days in the bush and through the lens of his camera he is exposed to a completely different aspect of visiting a foreign country. From wildlife safaris to coming face-to-face with the Laikipia Masai and Samburu people Thompson experiences Africa at its most intimate. Thompson s stunning pictures and vivid descriptions create a sobering portrait of Africa s poverty. In a place so rich in mystical beauty minerals and wildlife Africa s poor present a marked contrast to their environment. Yet Thompson shows the warmth and strength of these people who love life despite having to do without. A truly remarkable work Africa: A Photographic Safari takes you into the very heart of Africa and reveals the triumphant nature of the human spirit.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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