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Themes in 20th and 21st Century Literature: Globalization and Literature (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Themes in 20th and 21st Century Literature: Globalization and Literature (Hardcover)
Product Description

This book presents a state-of-the-art overview of the relationship between globalization studies and literature and literary studies and the bearing that they have on each other. It engages with the manner in which globalization is thematized in literary works; examines the relationship between globalization theory and literary theory; and discusses the impact of globalization processes on the production and reception of literary texts. Suman Gupta argues that while literature has registered globalization processes in relevant ways there has been a missed articulation between globalization studies and literary studies. Some of the ways in which this slippage is now being addressed and may be taken forward are indicated. In the course of fleshing out this argument such themes as the following are discussed: the manner in which anti-globalization protests and world cities have figured in literary works digitization has remoulded concepts of texts and text editing theories of postmodernism and postcolonialism that are familiar in literary studies have diverged from and converged with globalization studies English and Comparative/World Literature as institutional disciplinary spaces are being reconfigured and industries to do with the circulation of literature are becoming globalized. This book is intended for university level students and teachers researchers and other informed readers with an interest in the above issues and serves both as a survey of the field and an intervention within it.

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March 4, 2025

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