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Pocket Constitution (25 Pack): U.S. Constitution with Index & Declaration of Independence -- National Center for Constitutional Studi

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Product Name
Pocket Constitution (25 Pack): U.S. Constitution with Index & Declaration of Independence -- National Center for Constitutional Studi
Product Description

The Pocket Constitution is a handy 25 pack of essential U.S. documents that fit easily in your pocket. Each booklet includes the complete United States Constitution with The Bill of Rights and Amendments 11 through 27, as well as the Declaration of Independence. This edition also comes with an index to help navigate the Constitution, selected quotes from the founding fathers, and important dates to remember. Each document has been carefully proofed against the originals kept in the Archives in Washington D.C., ensuring they match perfectly in spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. The cover showcases an inspiring image of George Washington holding a quill, symbolizing our collective pledge to uphold the values of the Constitution for future generations. This compact yet comprehensive resource is perfect for those who wish to deepen their understanding of American history and civic responsibility, making it a valuable addition to classrooms, libraries, or personal collections.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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