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The Metabolic Pathway Engineering Handbook (Hardcover)

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Product Name
The Metabolic Pathway Engineering Handbook (Hardcover)
Product Description

This first volume of the Metabolic Pathway Engineering Handbook provides an overview of metabolic pathway engineering with a look towards the future. It discusses cellular metabolism including transport processes inside the cell and energy generating reactions as well as rare metabolic conversions. This volume also explores balances and reaction models the regulation of metabolic pathways and genome scale and multiscale modeling tools. It also covers developing appropriate hosts for metabolic engineering including the use of Escherichia coli yeast Bacillus Subtilis Streptomyces filamentous fungi and mammalian cells using cell culture. Christine Smolke who recently developed a novel way to churn out large quantities of drugs from genetically modified brewer s yeast is regarded as one of the most brilliant new minds in biomedical engineering. In this handbook she brings together pioneering scientists from dozens of disciplines to provide a complete record of accomplishment in metabolic pathway engineering. With a wealth of cutting edge research and analysis this work also serves as an invaluable resource for those seeking to add their own contributions. Organized by topic this 3000 page reference is available as two volumes that can be purchased individually or as a set. For information on the complete handbook visit Cat No. 3923

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March 4, 2025

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