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Skinny Bastard (Edition 1) (Paperback)

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Product Name
Skinny Bastard (Edition 1) (Paperback)
Product Description

For every Skinny Bitch there s a kick-ass man just as eager to take control of his weight and health. The New York Times bestselling authors now share their tips for turning Dad bods into Skinny Bastards. What s good for the bitch is good for the bastard. Hundreds of thousands of women have been inspired to use their head and get real about the food they eat after reading the best-selling manifesto Skinny Bitch. But it turns out some men have been reading over their girlfriends shoulders. Professional athletes such as Milwaukee Brewers Prince Fielder and the Dallas Mavericks Jerry Stackhouse have adopted a whole new eating plan because of the book. Now authors Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin think it s time for the guys to have a book of their own. In Skinny Bastard they ll explain why the macho meat and potatoes diet is total crap why having a gut is un-cool (and a turn-off) and how to get buff on the right foods. Eating well shouldn t be a girlie thing-and the Bitches will whip any man into shape with their straight-talk sound guidance and locker room language.

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Last updated
December 13, 2024

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