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Triskellion: Triskellion 2: The Burning (Series #2) (Hardcover)

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Triskellion: Triskellion 2: The Burning (Series #2) (Hardcover)
Product Description

As twins Rachel and Adam are pursued across Europe by terrifying forces they realize they can trust no one -- and must draw on their special powers to survive. After the shocking revelations in Triskellion being guests of the Hope Project might seem like a relief. But Rachel and Adam soon figure out that they re being held prisoner and that the program has more sinister goals than archaeological research in mind. A hideous discovery at the funeral of their grandmother makes it clear that the teenagers must flee from England to Paris Seville and fi nally Morocco evading not only their former benefactors but also the followers of The Englishman a zombie-like fi gure with a frightening agenda of his own. It will take all of their special abilities and courage to stay alive until their journey reaches an explosive climax -- and they unearth on the North African coast an ancient secret even more startling than the first.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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