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Innovations in Magazine Publishing (Paperback)

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Product Name
Innovations in Magazine Publishing (Paperback)
Product Description

This book examines the key developments in the UK magazine industry since 2014 and explains in detail how the business has innovated to survive. Innovations in Magazine Publishing explores the key issues that publishers and editors have had to grapple with in recent years and demonstrates how they have changed their business models and encouraged innovation and creativity. Written in an engaging and accessible style the authors and contributors have drawn on years of industry expertise and contacts to examine the massive changes that have taken place in the areas of content creation and advertising in the last decade. Beginning with a highly useful summary of UK magazine publishing history the book then provides a detailed focus on how magazines have had to adapt to a declining revenue picture in both copy and advertisement sales. This discussion considers changes in ownership and the supply chain mutual dependency on social media the rapid growth of the independent sector investing in brand and product extensions and how media companies themselves have changed to meet the demands of the new era. The important issue of ethnic diversity within the UK publishing industry is addressed and the introduction also includes a discussion of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the industry and how the magazine business will need to respond to whatever the future may bring. This comprehensive overview of the current state of the industry is a vital resource for students researchers and professionals in magazine journalism as well as for those studying media and journalism studies more generally.

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March 11, 2025

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