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50 lb Pail of Non-GMO Organic Citric Acid Food Grade FCC/USP Anhydrous Pure Fine Granular

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Product Name
50 lb Pail of Non-GMO Organic Citric Acid Food Grade FCC/USP Anhydrous Pure Fine Granular
Product Description

Food Grade Citric Acidby Duda EnergyThe Best Quality Citric AcidNon-GMO - OrganicHighly refined. Extremely pure. Does not contain detectable amounts of protein strains from the original feedstock.Food gradePure Citric Acid - Anhydrous (No Water or other additives)Use for water softening craft making candy making pH adjustment of shampoo bases & more!Bath Bombs: Combine with sodium bicarbonate to make make fizzy bombs for your bath.In candy making citric acid provides a sour flavor. This is what s on War heads.Using citric acid cleansers become lather and will clean better due to the softened water.Pool care Make a paste and remove stains from your swimming pool liner and fiberglass pools (TEST FIRST!)For Soaps: Chelate metals in hard water.TILE CLEANER- Prepare 1 cup of Citric Acid with 3 cups of water in a bowl. Stir until completely dissolved. Apply to tile with a scrub brush. Rinse clean. Dirty stained Tile will once again be beautiful and shiny bright!Photography Lab Chemistry

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Last updated
October 10, 2024

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