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Aqua Culture Moneywort Cabomba & Foxtail Aquarium Plant Assortment (Style Will Vary)

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Product Name
Aqua Culture Moneywort Cabomba & Foxtail Aquarium Plant Assortment (Style Will Vary)
Product Description

Create a natural-looking environment in your aquarium by adding Aqua Culture Moneywort Cabomba & Foxtail Aquarium Plants. These plants will add sparkling brilliance to your aquarium and help provide a healthy environment for your fish. It s suggested to place the taller plant groupings toward the rear of the aquarium and shorter clusters toward the front giving your underwater scene a realistic and natural look. Adding these plants to your aquarium is simple press the base down and use a back and forth motion to sink the base into your aquarium gravel. The life-like plastic plant decorations makes your fish tank look great and add depth to your view. Be sure to check out other products from Aqua Culture like aquarium plants heat lamps aquarium rocks and other accessories for all your aquarium needs. You and your fish will love having Aqua Culture Moneywort Cabomba & Foxtail Aquarium Plants.

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Last updated
December 3, 2024

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