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Salada, Pure Green Tea Bags, Tea Bags, 40 Ct

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Product Name
Salada, Pure Green Tea Bags, Tea Bags, 40 Ct
Product Description

Green Tea, Pure Green, Tea Bags All natural. Since 1892. Proud supporters of cancer research, education and prevention efforts. Join the fight. It all starts and ends with handpicked green tea leaves. We add nothing. The result is a delicately smooth flavor, brimming with benefits. Here at Salada, it's all about preserving what nature intended. Natural, Simple Ingredients: With one quick glance, you'll see our tea contains zero calories and one ingredient. Nature made green tea simple and delicious, so it only makes sense to keep it that way. Contact Us: At Salada, we love talking about tea. If you have a question about our products, ingredients or processes, we'd be happy to hear from you: Facebook:; 1-800-645-1190. For tips, recipes & special offers, sign up for the Tea Lover's Club at

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Last updated
February 15, 2025

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