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Maui Babe Browning Lotion 8 Fluid Ounce

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Product Name
Maui Babe Browning Lotion 8 Fluid Ounce
Product Description

Are you tired of baking in the hot dangerous sun for hours to get a dark beautiful tan? Get a real tan in short sun time. Try our wonderful Maui babe browning lotion for the safest fastest most beautiful tan of your life. We call it Maui babe browning lotion because brown is what you quickly become and everybody who has tried it loves it. Maui babe is a sun tanning lotion made from an old secret family formula mixed from natural Hawaiian ingredients including aloe for your protection. Everyone who has used Maui babe is thrilled with how fast and beautiful they tan and how wonderful their skin feels from the moisturizing benefits and the natural skin protection. Put it on one arm and not the other and go in the sun and you will feel a real difference. The one without it feels hot and burning while the one with it is browning fast and rich.) It is water resistant and our customers tell us that insects hate it. All insects. Also we test on humans. Never on animals. Maui babe br

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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