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McCormick Non-GMO Kosher Ground Allspice, 0.9 oz Bottle

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Product Name
McCormick Non-GMO Kosher Ground Allspice, 0.9 oz Bottle
Product Description

McCormick Non-GMO Kosher Ground Allspice, 0.9 oz Bottle. While its name suggests a blend of spices, allspice is the pea-sized berry of an evergreen tree native to the Caribbean and Central America. At McCormick we grind whole allspice berries which have been hand-picked for peppery sweetness and spicy aroma. Allspice contains all the sweet and warm flavors of three spice rack favorites: cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg. It is a must-have for holiday baking when it adds spicy-sweet taste to pumpkin pie, gingerbread and spice cookies. Allspice also lends a peppery flavor to savory dishes like Cincinnati chili, Swedish meatballs, barbecue sauce, ham glaze, chicken soup and turkey brine. Add Caribbean flavor to your cooking with jerk seasoning, a fiery blend that includes allspice, ginger and thyme. This McCormick Ground Allspice is in a Plastic bottle that is 0.9 ounces. Store this shelf-stable item at an ambient temperature.

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Last updated
February 6, 2025

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