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Modelling Manuals: M4 Sherman (Paperback)

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Product Name
Modelling Manuals: M4 Sherman (Paperback)
Product Description

With numbers 13 and 14 the Osprey Modelling Series sees the start of a regular subseries on modeling specific AFVs. The second covers the Allies most important tank of WW2 the US M4 Sherman of which 49 234 gun tanks were built. With detailed step-by-step model photography specially commissioned walkround photography scale drawings and wartime shots these books will provide all the details needed to model the main M4 Sherman version – the M4A4 – and its variants. There is a full roundup of the models available on the market details of where you can see the real thing a select bibliography and survey of websites of interest.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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