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Aquafresh Kids Cavity Protection Fluoride Toothpaste Pump Bubble Mint 4.6 Oz

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Product Name
Aquafresh Kids Cavity Protection Fluoride Toothpaste Pump Bubble Mint 4.6 Oz
Product Description

Cavity Protection Aquafresh toothpaste fights cavities with fluoride… freshens breath… and has a great bubble mint taste in one complete toothpaste. 2+ years Sugar Acid Protection** from Fluoride BUBBLE MINT **With Sugar Acid Protection provided by fluoride which strengthens enamel creating a shield that protects the tooth surface against sugar acid attack. This product contains no sugar like all ADA-accepted toothpastes. AQUAFRESH and the iconic Nurdle device are registered trademarks owned by or licensed to the GSK group of companies. Note: If pump doesn’t work hold button down and firmly push up inside base. ADA Accepted American Dental Association “The ADA Council on Scientific Affairs’ Acceptance of Aquafresh Kids is based on its finding that the product is effective in helping to prevent and reduce tooth decay when used as directed.”

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Last updated
December 21, 2024

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