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Streit's Lightly Salted Matzos, 11 oz

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Product Name
Streit's Lightly Salted Matzos, 11 oz
Product Description

Streit's Matzos Lightly Salted.Streit's Matzos Lightly Salted. Not for passover use. Since 1925.No saturated fat. No cholesterol. Low sodium. No trans fat.See side panel for nutrition information. Since 1925, when Aron Streit opened his matzo bakery on Rivington street on the lower east side, Streit's has been baking America's favorite Matzo! The Streit family continues the tradition with a commitment to the highest standards of quality and excellence. Streit's matzos are baked daily using the finest all-kosher ingredients and contain no preservatives. They make a delicious snack with cheese and spreads and are ideal for people who prefer an active and healthy lifestyle. The taste of a memory. Excellence in kosher baking for over 80 years. Baked under the supervision of Rabbi M. Soloveichik. The laws of challah are

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Last updated
February 17, 2025

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