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igourmet Grana Padano DOP Stravecchio Oro Del Tempo 24 Month-3 Lb Club Cut (3 pound)

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Product Name
igourmet Grana Padano DOP Stravecchio Oro Del Tempo 24 Month-3 Lb Club Cut (3 pound)
Product Description

We are now offering a special, three-pound cut of this essential Italian cheese! Stravecchio Oro del Tempo is a superior, 24-month aged Grana Padano produced by Agriform near Venice. This masterpiece compares beautifully with its better-known cousin Parmigiano Reggiano. The flavor of Stravecchio is intense and complex, with fruity overtones that evoke pineapple or strawberry, depending on the season. Like all precious things, every Stravecchio cheese is one of a kind, and each wheel is branded with a unique serial number. Agriform tests the quality of each wheel of Stravecchio every week until the twentieth month of aging. The end result of this rigorous testing process is that only the cheeses that deserve to become prime Grana Padano Stravecchio are stamped with the certificate of origin and guarantee. Made from unpasteurized cow's milk. Wheel is 80 lb. form of cheese. We cut and wrap this item by hand. Nutritional Facts: Serving Size: 28g, Servings: 8, Calories: 107, Calories from Fat: 67, Total Fat: 7, Saturated Fat: 6, Trans Fat: 0, Cholesterol: 21, Sodium: 145, Total Carbohydrates: 0, Dietary Fiber: 0, Sugars: 0, Protein: 9, Vitamin A: 0.1, Vitamin C: 0, Calcium: 0.3, Iron: 0, Vitamin E: 0

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Last updated
February 19, 2025

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