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Fudge Recipes Hello! 365 Fudge Recipes: Best Fudge Cookbook Ever For Beginners [Book 1] Book 1 (Paperback)

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Fudge Recipes Hello! 365 Fudge Recipes: Best Fudge Cookbook Ever For Beginners [Book 1] Book 1 (Paperback)
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Any Dessert Easily Pumps Us Up!✩★✩ Read this book for FREE on the Kindle Unlimited NOW DOWNLOAD FREE eBook (PDF) included ILLUSTRATIONS of 365 Fudge Recipes right after conclusion! ✩★✩My idea of a perfect meal is made up of three parts namely an appetizer main dishes and dessert. I always look forward and get excited about eating dessert. It changes things up especially when I m full and bored with the main dishes. Enjoying a yummy and beautiful dessert is a great way to end any meal. Frozen delights and cakes always come to mind when talking about desserts. So I created the big dessert series focusing on frozen desserts and cakes that would complete a perfect meal with your loved ones. You are handling the book Hello! 365 Fudge Recipes: Best Fudge Cookbook Ever For Beginners with the following parts: Chapter 1: Cocoa Fudge Recipes Chapter 2: Easy Fudge Recipes Chapter 3: Homemade Fudge Recipes Chapter 4: Marshmallow Fudge Recipes Chapter 5: Chocolate Fudge Recipes Chapter 6: Fudge Pie Recipes Chapter 7: Peanut Butter Fudge Recipes Chapter 8: Chocolate Fudge Cake Recipes Chapter 9: Christmas Fudge Recipes Chapter 10: Fudge Cookie Recipes Chapter 11: Hot Fudge Recipes Chapter 12: Microwave Fudge Recipes Chapter 13: Amazing Fudge Recipes With my unending love of dessert I created the book series about desserts not just to provide recipes but also share the lessons and experiences I gained after I began learning a recipe for a cake or ice cream. Here s hoping you d find this book useful for your needs. This dessert series is also made up of these subjects: Cake Recipes Candy Recipes Cookie Recipes Cocoa Cookbook Fudge Cookbook White Chocolate Cookbook Dark Chocolate Cookbook Marshmallow Recipe Microwave Meal Cookbook Layer Cake Recipe ...✩ Purchase the Print Edition & RECEIVE a digital copy FREE via Kindle MatchBook ✩Accept my thanks for selecting Hello! 365 Fudge Recipes: Best Fudge Cookbook Ever For Beginners and reading up until the end. I hope it will stay with you in the kitchen as you learn to become a better dessert maker. When you got the time kindly tell me your favorite desserts and the story behind it. Comment below!Enjoy life and spend it making your favorite desserts daily!

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March 4, 2025

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