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igourmet Thinking Of You Gift Basket - This basket of savory treats is perfect for any man or woman you want to impress

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igourmet Thinking Of You Gift Basket - This basket of savory treats is perfect for any man or woman you want to impress
Product Description

Gourmet Thinking Of You Gift Box (3 pound) Nothing says Thinking Of You like a selection of gourmet goodies. This gift of savory treats is perfect for any man or woman you want to thank. Included are some of our favorite foods notably: Taralli: Enjoy these classic crunchy Puglian baked taralli as a snack any time of day. (4.2 oz) BjornQorn Popcorn: Addicting small batch non GMO popcorn popped via solar power! (1 oz) Butlers Chocolate Candy Bar: Since 1932 Butlers Irish Chocolates have been renowned and loved throughout Ireland for their delicious taste and superb quality. (2.64 oz) Canestrelli Cookies by Panarello: These traditional Genovese butter cookies are served all over Italy. (4.76 oz) Carr s Ginger Lemon Creme English Tea Cookies: The classic English tea cookies Carr s Ginger Lemon Cremes combine the spicy aroma of ginger with the tartness of lemon. (7.05 oz) Trouvillais by Biscuiterie de l Abbaye: Produced in Normandy France these shortbread cookies are perfect for ending a light lunch on a sweet note or after dinner with coffee and tea. (4.4 oz) Jules Destrooper Belgian Butter Thins: The history of these biscuits began in Belgium during the second half of the nineteenth century. Driven by passion Jules Destrooper a colonial trader combined the best of the spices he imported from Africa and the East with the best of nature s ingredients. (3.5 oz) Please note that any item temporarily out of stock will be substituted with a similar item of equal value.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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