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Number Theory in Science and Communication: With Applications in Cryptography Physics Digital Information Computing and Self-Similarity (Hardcover)

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Number Theory in Science and Communication: With Applications in Cryptography Physics Digital Information Computing and Self-Similarity (Hardcover)
Product Description

Number Theory in Science and Communication is a well-known introduction for non-mathematicians to this fascinating and useful branch of applied mathematics . It stresses intuitive understanding rather than abstract theory and highlights important concepts such as continued fractions the golden ratio quadratic residues and Chinese remainders trapdoor functions pseudo primes and primitive elements. Their applications to problems in the real world are one of the main themes of the book. This revised fifth edition is augmented by recent advances in coding theory permutations and derangements and a chapter in quantum cryptography. From reviews of earlier editions - I continue to find [Schroeder s] Number Theory a goldmine of valuable information. It is a marvelous book in touch with the most recent applications of number theory and written with great clarity and humor. Philip Morrison (Scientific American) A light-hearted and readable volume with a wide range of applications to which the author has been a productive contributor - useful mathematics outside the formalities of theorem and proof. Martin Gardner

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March 10, 2025

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