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A Systematic Innovation Model Based on TRIZ (Paperback)

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A Systematic Innovation Model Based on TRIZ (Paperback)
Product Description

In the age of knowledge explosion a Keener competition exits between corporations and puts great pressure on leaders. Enterprises should therefore rely on R&D and Marketing strategies for higher competency. In construction industry most inventions result form brainstorming abundant inspiration or empirical cases so that a systematic method TRIZ is introduced and applied to obtain better design or alternatives at the beginning of projects. However tough issues of TRIZ arise from subjective judgments and blank cells of the traditional contradiction matrix of size 39x39. Therefore this study proposes a systematic innovation model that AHP GRA updated contradiction matrix of size 48x48 analogical thinking and a check process to deal with tough problems systematically. In addition concepts of PDCA and VE are applied in this model to enhance the completeness of the process. Finally through two examples pre-stressed concrete and hoop reinforcements of columns it can be concluded that this model is capable of using TRIZ inventive principles more efficiently effectively and systematically to increase project values.

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March 6, 2025

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