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Everwilde Farms - 2000 Chinese Pinks Garden Flower Seeds - Gold Vault Jumbo Bulk Seed Packet

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Product Name
Everwilde Farms - 2000 Chinese Pinks Garden Flower Seeds - Gold Vault Jumbo Bulk Seed Packet
Product Description

Add a bit of exotic flair to the garden spot with these brilliant fringed blossoms. This variety will flourish with little effort and will yield multitudes of exquisite little blooms. Greek botanist Theophrastus gave these flowers the genus name Dianthus which means divine flower. The common name of pink comes from the Old English word pynken meaning to cut or notch in reference to the distinctive jagged edges of the petals. Actually this family of flowers brought about the use of the word pink to describe a color. Thomas Jefferson once grew these lovely flowers at his Monticello estate having received seed from Philadelphia resident and gardener Bernard McMahon in 1807.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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