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Dr.Jart Dermask Cryo Rubber Facial Mask Pack 4 Types NEW UPGRADE Ampoule + Rubber Mask 2 Step Kit Soothing Allantoin

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Product Name
Dr.Jart Dermask Cryo Rubber Facial Mask Pack 4 Types NEW UPGRADE Ampoule + Rubber Mask 2 Step Kit Soothing Allantoin
Product Description

Modeling Pack + Sheet Mask Rubber mask with new concept The fast efficacy of the modeling pack. Sheet mask simplicity is one. Combined modeling pack and sheet mask. New concept rubber mask. As if it were professional management beams become flexible The skin between the skin and the irregularities of the skin Smooth your skin! Panthenol with a moisturizing effect between the ingredients Contains hyaluronic acid to form skin barrier Vegetable oil blend gives skin softness After use/opened all of the aesthetic/cosmetic products may NOT be a reason for return or refund. Any allergic reactions may also NOT be a reason for refund/return as people all have different skin types and as there are differences among individuals. Please be well-informed of this before any of your purchase.

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Last updated
February 11, 2025

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