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Asian American Chronology: Chronologies of the American Mosaic (Hardcover)

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Asian American Chronology: Chronologies of the American Mosaic (Hardcover)
Product Description

Key moments in Asian American history come alive in this concise and accessible chronology. Understanding the history of Asians in America is key to understanding the development of America itself. Asian American Chronology: Chronologies of the American Mosaic presents the most influential events in Asian American history--as well as key moments that have remained under the historical radar. This in-depth record covers events from the 18th century to the present day including the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. Entries organized chronologically by category allow readers to trace the development of Asian peoples and culture in the United States over time including the role of Chinese labor in building railroads the importation of Filipino slaves labor strikes and civil rights issues Japanese-American internment women s roles literature music politics and increased immigration in the mid-20th century. In addition to these broad topics the book also treats individual events from the Rock Springs Massacre to the Gold Rush to the current prevalence of Japanese players in Major League Baseball.

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March 7, 2025

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