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Ambassador Morgenthau s Story - Henry Morgenthau (Paperback)

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Ambassador Morgenthau s Story - Henry Morgenthau (Paperback)
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By this time the American people have probably become convinced that the Germans deliberately planned the conquest of the world. Yet they hesitate to convict on circumstantial evidence and for this reason all eye witnesses to this the greatest crime in modern history should volunteer their testimony. I have therefore laid aside any scruples I had as to the propriety of disclosing to my fellow countrymen the facts which I learned while representing them in Turkey. I acquired this knowledge as the servant of the American people and it is their property as much as it is mine. I greatly regret that I have been obliged to omit an account of the splendid activities of the American Missionary and Educational Institutions in Turkey but to do justice to this subject would require a book by itself. I have had to omit the story of the Jews in Turkey for the same reasons. My thanks are due to my friend Mr. Burton J. Hendrick for the invaluable assistance he has rendered in the preparation of the book Henry Morgenthau.

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December 16, 2024

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