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Aqua-Tech EZ Change Replacement Carbon Filter Cartridges for Aquariums #3 Size 3 Count

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Product Name
Aqua-Tech EZ Change Replacement Carbon Filter Cartridges for Aquariums #3 Size 3 Count
Product Description

Aqua-Tech EZ Change #3 Filter Cartridge pack is a replacement pack for Aqua-Tech 20-40 and 30-60 Power Filters for aquariums (sold separately). With Premium Activated Carbon that works twice as fast and works longer than other carbons Aqua-Tech Filter Cartridges are an essential part of an effective filtration system for a cleaner aquarium. They trap more dirt remove more impurities and deliver maximum water-to-carbon contact to make your aquarium water sparkle. These cartridges are pre-assembled and slide easily into place. Aqua-Tech Power Filters provide complete 3-stage filtration providing coarse floss to remove large particles from aquarium water; carbon filtration to remove odors discoloration and impurities; and a Bio-Tech™ Biological Grid to remove toxic ammonia and nitrites. To ensure crystal clear aquarium water change the filter cartridge once a month as carbon deactivates with use. The amount of filtration needed to maintain an aquarium depends on a number of variables. These include tank size individual maintenance habits and fish population. Whatever your individual needs Aqua-Tech products help make aquarium maintenance simple for a clean and beautiful aquatic environment.

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Last updated
March 9, 2025

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