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Jolly Time Healthy Pop Butter Microwave Popcorn 3 oz 6 Ct. Gluten-Free Non-GMO

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Product Name
Jolly Time Healthy Pop Butter Microwave Popcorn 3 oz 6 Ct. Gluten-Free Non-GMO
Product Description

Healthy Pop 94% Fat-Free Butter Microwave Popcorn delivers a great butter taste with hardly any fat. Healthy Pop is high in fiber and has just two grams of fat per serving. If you are counting your calories and looking for a low-calorie snack Jolly Time Healthy Pop Butter Popcorn contains only 20 calories per cup! That s 100 calories per 5-cup serving. This diet popcorn has no saturated fats no trans fats and no cholesterol. Our healthy popcorn is also made with 100% whole grain gluten-free and non-GMO popcorn kernels. All this plus the irresistible taste of hot-buttered popcorn you crave. It s the perfect healthy snack for your busy lifestyle. The high fiber content of Healthy Pop supports weight loss by filling you up so you don t over-eat. 100 calories per serving. You will be receiving 6 boxes of Jolly Time Healthy Pop Butter 94% Fat-Free Microwave Popcorn. Each box contains six 3.5 oz. regular-sized microwave popcorn bags - for a total of 36 bags of delicious low-fat butter popcorn that kids and adults will love to snack on! New Consumable Shelf-Stable Microwave Popcorn.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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