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Sisters Eight Georgia s Greatness 3 Book 3 (Paperback)

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Product Name
Sisters Eight Georgia s Greatness 3 Book 3 (Paperback)
Product Description

The Sisters Eight are back in a new adventure! This time Georgia gets her chance to be the hero--if she doesn t completely mess things up! In the first two installments of the Sisters Eight we met the sisters (octuplets) and their eight cats. We discovered Mommy and Daddy disappeared (or died) and that to find out what happened to them each girl must discover her power and gift. Annie and Durinda both found theirs. We also learned that the girls nosy neighbor The Wicket is very interested in what Mommy was working on before she disappeared (or died). In this the third book the plot thickens: Mrs. McGullicudy the girls teacher is AWOL and the substitute teacher is too beautiful to be believed (in your narrator s humble opinion.) Does her beautiful facade hide an evil soul? (These are books. Of course it does.) And Georgia makes a blunder that could keep the girls from ever finding their parents. Are the Sisters Eight doomed to live alone forever?

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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