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Creamette Small Shells, 16-Ounce Box

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Product Name
Creamette Small Shells, 16-Ounce Box
Product Description

Creamette Small Shells are a fan favorite from anything to main courses to cold pasta appetizers. "Conchiglie" in Italian, shells are one of the most popular pasta shapes and Creamette Small Shells are no exception. Perfect for medium to thick pasta sauces, everyone will enjoy the way these shells hold onto plenty of sauce in every bite. Try them with creamy, cheesy sauces or hearty meat sauce. As a Non-GMO Project Verified product, you can enjoy these shells in all of your favorite recipes and with no preservatives or MSGs, you can feel great about it. They cook in 10-12 minutes with about 8 servings per 16-ounce box, making Creamette Small Shells perfect for big families on the go. Loved by the Midwest, Creamette® pasta is how we do pasta here. Our pasta uses a special blend of flour and water (as well as healthy doses of love, laughter, and care) to ensure that our pasta is always firm, never sticky, and, frankly, simply delicious. We create a wide variety of pasta cuts so you can find just the right pasta for your go-to weekly meal or your next Pinterest® feat (good luck!). Dedicated to Simply Perfect Pasta® since 1912, we hope to put our pride and joy on your table and a smile on your face.

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Last updated
February 27, 2025

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