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Tetley, Classic Blend, Black Tea Bags, 100 Count

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Product Name
Tetley, Classic Blend, Black Tea Bags, 100 Count
Product Description

At Tetley, we bring you a warm and comforting world with every cup of our finest blends. We strive towards creating not merely the perfect brew but also a sustainable environment and better lives for our farmers. These black teas deliver a delightful flavor and boast a tempting amber color, which will revive you and your love for a cup of tea. For 180 years, we at Tetley have been working to produce tea flavors that are truly magical. Tetley s cup of tea is a sip of happiness. The story of tea is as old as nature itself; we have been drinking tea on these shores for over 350 years. But, it took an exciting turn in the year 1837, when the Tetley brothers went into business in Yorkshire, England. This is the brief history of tea, Tetley and the tea bag.

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Last updated
February 26, 2025

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