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Zatarain's No Artificial Flavors Red Beans & Rice Dinner Mix, 8 oz Box

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Product Name
Zatarain's No Artificial Flavors Red Beans & Rice Dinner Mix, 8 oz Box
Product Description

Zatarain's No Artificial Flavors Red Beans & Rice Dinner Mix, 8 oz Box. A quintessential New Orleans dish, traditionally prepared on Mondays when a long stovetop simmer gave home cooks time to do laundry. Today, red bean lovers rely on Zatarain’s for classic flavor in a fraction of the time. Enjoy Zatarain’s Red Beans & Rice as a main course or side dish. Supplement with sausage, ham or pork chops, or hold the meat and have a tasty vegetarian meal. However you prepare it, Zatarain’s Red Beans & Rice is hearty but not heavy, packed full of flavor and an instant crowd-pleaser. This Zatarain's Red Beans & Rice Dinner Mix is in a Cardboard box that is 8 ounces. Store this shelf-stable item at an ambient temperature.

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Last updated
February 23, 2025

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