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Johnny B. Moore - Troubled World - Music & Performance - CD

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Product Name
Johnny B. Moore - Troubled World - Music & Performance - CD
Product Description

Probably the two biggest influences on Johnny B. Moore s sound are Muddy Waters and Magic Sam. Johnny s first big break came in 75 when he joined Koko Taylor s Blues Machine and recorded on her Grammy Award winning album the Earthshaker. In 77 he joined Willie Dixon s Chicago Blues All-Stars. (Previously deleted: 7/1/10 Original release date: 7/10/97) With his Mississippi roots and solid commitment to Chicago s West Side blues sound Johnny B. Moore has much in common with Johnny Littlejohn and Magic Sam - two of his mentors. Like those artists Moore s blues is hard-edged quirky and beautiful. Troubled World captures him at his best. - Living Blues.

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Last updated
December 9, 2024

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