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Progress in Low Temperature Physics: Quantum Turbulence Volume 16 (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Progress in Low Temperature Physics: Quantum Turbulence Volume 16 (Hardcover)
Product Description

Progress in Low Temperature Physics: Quantum Turbulence presents seven review articles on the recent developments on quantum turbulence. Turbulence has been a great mystery in natural science and technology for more than 500 years since the time of Leonardo da Vinci. Recently turbulence in quantum systems at low temperatures has developed into a new research field. Quantum turbulence is comprised of quantized vortices realized in superfluid helium and quantum gases of cold atoms. Some of the important topics include energy spectra vibrating structures and visualization techniques. The understanding of these remarkable systems can have an impact on the general field of turbulence and will be of broad interest to scientists and students in low temperature physics hydrodynamics and engineering.

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March 4, 2025

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