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Stage & Screen Hairstyles : A Practical Reference for Actors Models Hairstylists Photographer Stage Managers & Directors (Hardcover)

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Stage & Screen Hairstyles : A Practical Reference for Actors Models Hairstylists Photographer Stage Managers & Directors (Hardcover)
Product Description

Stage and Screen Hairstyles shows professional stylists and everyone interested in vintage style exactly how to capture the looks of the past. From ancient times to modern times here are the hairstyles that defined their eras. Clear instructions and step-by-step photography make this book valuable for professionals working in film theater television or fashion as well as anyone who simply wants a distinctive hairstyle. Era by era presentation including the most popular styles of each decade in the twentieth century lets readers trace the history of hairdos and a wipe-clean paper-over-board binding stays neat and clean do after do after do.

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March 2, 2025

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