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Ethical Decision Making in School Administration: Leadership as Moral Architecture (Paperback)

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Product Name
Ethical Decision Making in School Administration: Leadership as Moral Architecture (Paperback)
Product Description

Pedagogically rich demographically inclusive and culturally sensitive Ethical Decision Making in School and District Administration exposes educational leaders to an interdisciplinary array of theories from the fields of education economics management and moral philosophy (past and present). Authors Paul A. Wagner and Douglas J. Simpson demonstrate how understanding key concepts can dramatically improve management styles and protocols. Key Features Contains numerous case studies that apply the book′s concepts to relevant ethical issues faced by school administrators Reveals possibilities for thinking outside the box in terms of morally informed and effective leadership strategies aimed at securing organizational commitment and shared vision Presents multiple theories of ethics demonstrating how they inform decision making and culture building in school districts Incorporates a range of in-text learning aids including figures that clarify and critique ideas a complete glossary and end-of-chapter activities and questions

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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